Tagged With: speedo

July 21 Trip Report

I risked getting caught in a thunderstorm to take advantage of a full moon low tide on July 21, 2024. I paddled 3.1 miles on the river from the boat launch in the national forest to one of my favorite locations. I had the entire river to myself for the entire, round trip, 6+ mile … Continue reading »

Categories: General mudding, Inversion, Video blog (vlog) | Tags: | Leave a comment

New Clip: Looking for Trouble

I put a new clip in my clip store. It is more like the kind I usually give away; not a lot of mud, and pretty short. However, I really needed to update my clip store, so I edited a 3 minute FHD clip and added it to my store. I really don’t expect it … Continue reading »

Categories: Exploring, General mudding | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on New Clip: Looking for Trouble

Brief Flirtation with Mud

I went for a rather long kayak trip and spent the night in the forest. The next day, I was paddling past one of my mudding spots around low tide so I stopped by and had a short fling with the mud. The water is still icy cold, so I couldn’t bring myself to get … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Video blog (vlog) | Tags: , | Comments Off on Brief Flirtation with Mud

New Winter Mud Clip

This is one of two clips I shot on January 26. I started out in a red Speedo (this clip) and I finished in my denim cutoffs (not yet edited). I start out this clip, leaving my boat on the shore and climbing across a fallen tree to explore a muddy area that is mostly … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Mudding Attire, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | Comments Off on New Winter Mud Clip

Another Travelogue

Today I went out at “low tide” to check some things and spend some time on the water. I knew we weren’t likely to have a low tide, and we didn’t. Ever since Idalia (tropical storm) went through, I haven’t had a low tide. The flood waters receded long ago, but I think the storm … Continue reading »

Categories: Exploring, General mudding, Video blog (vlog) | Tags: , | Comments Off on Another Travelogue

Back to the Swamp

This expedition will be forever known as the one where I forgot to put my wallet in a safe place, and I lost it somewhere along my long slog through the swamp. There is a slim chance I’ll find it, but I’ve already applied for a replacement driver’s license and new credit/debit cards. There wasn’t … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Production issues, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

New Clip From July 17

I’m So Horny is a sexy clip with light, nearly invisible bondage. I tied a cord around my genitals that I used to anchor myself in the mud to a submerged log. The log was large and immovable, which allowed me to buck and struggle against it, teasing myself in the process and keeping my … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | Tags: , | 1 Comment

Swamping in My Speedo

I often wear my Speedo swimsuit when I am heading out to the swamp. Generally, if I’m shooting a video, I change into something different; just to mix things up a bit. Lately, I haven’t really been inspired to shoot video as much as just get out and enjoy the mud. I still have at … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Production issues, Total immersion | Tags: | Comments Off on Swamping in My Speedo

New Quick Mud Immersion Clip

This clip is from June 8, 2021. This is the clip in which I sink slowly over my head, wearing a tight, blue, nylon speedo. This is pretty much a straight sinking clip with two camera angles. I step into the mud and get sucked under. There is bonus material that shows me climbing out … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | Tags: | 3 Comments

Another Exploratory Expedition

Yup, that’s right. I went exploring again. This would be day 3 for this general area. Today’s trip was a little shorter than the previous two, but it was even more grueling. I just happened to be traversing the shallow waterways at the lowest tide level and those “shallow” waterways have no bottom. If you’re … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | 2 Comments

New Muddy Bondage Clips

I just released a 2 part series of muddy bondage clips that I shot on August 28 in the peat swamp. These clips are extreme, muddy bondage. They don’t have the masturbation scenes that were featured heavily in my previous clip which contained the inspiration for this series. In part 1 of this series (Courting … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Inversion, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

Mosquito Season

Oh, my gosh! The mosquitoes are worse than I can remember them ever being. When I went to play in the mud pit in the woods, yesterday, I couldn’t get into the mud fast enough. The mosquitoes were attacking me while I was trying to rig a rope to the bottom of the pit. Anyway, … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Mud pit, The Back Yard | Tags: | 5 Comments

Getting Out on a Nice December Day

(video removed because of age and file-size) It was very mild on December 3 and I managed to slip out, even though I’ve been very busy in the office. It was around 20C (68F) and the sun was very warm. Unfortunately, the tide wasn’t very low. I was going to give up and just paddle … Continue reading »

Categories: Exploring, General mudding | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Getting Out on a Nice December Day