Clean Bondage Adventures

Still At It

I’m not dead, and I’m still working on mud and bondage content. I have been spending some time, setting up complicated bondage scenes, because when I have an image in my head, I need to act it out and record it. If for no other reason, to have documentation of my idea. Sometimes I need … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Clean Bondage Adventures, Inversion, Mud pit | 2 Comments

Social Media

Twitter is looking like a dumpster fire these days, so I’ve been investigating Mastodon. I set up an account to evaluate it (I’m still on Twitter as @mudbondage, and I’m still checking it on a semi-regular basis, for now). Mastodon is a distributed system and anyone can set up a server. I’m actually thinking of … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, What about the Community? | Comments Off on Social Media

Cross-post New Clip

I added a compilation clip in my clean bondage store. It has some muddy sections, and it’s pretty cool. You can find more information and links here.

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Rainy Day Bondage?

Notice! This clip was re-instated on PornHub, so you can now view it for free. No need to pay for it, unless you want to download it for your personal collection. I added a new clip to my clip store that is not really a mud clip, but this seemed like the best place to … Continue reading »

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Working on a Bondage Clip Store

Just FYI, I will be removing some content from my male mud store (studio #10094) and adding that content to an entirely new studio that will be dedicated to bondage. I know some of you purchase both mud and bondage clips, but I feel that the bondage clips obscure the mud clips in my store; … Continue reading »

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Warm Fall Days

I haven’t had a chance to play in the swamp, but I have been enjoying some mild fall weather and engaging in some outdoor bondage in the woods. It gets dark at 5pm this time of year, so I generally end up shooting as the sun is setting. I really enjoy outdoor bondage. This kind … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures | 2 Comments

New Self Bondage Clip

This is a pretty unique self bondage clip. It opens as I prepare the scene, set up the equipment and lock myself in. The computer commands the actuator to retract, which makes things pretty tight for me. The original plan was to be stuck there for 10 minutes, but a strange woman in boots walks … Continue reading »

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Another clean bondage clip

Our unseasonably warm February gave way to a more seasonable March. It’s been cool and windy so far. However, it was 65F (18C) on March 10, so I went into the woods, where I have protection from the wind, to shoot some bondage video. I recorded a couple of scenes, and I had a pretty … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, Teaser/Trailers, The Back Yard | 3 Comments

Outdoor Bondage Video (clean)

Bound, Gagged and Abandoned, 2018-02-20 Oh my gosh, I had fun making this one. The entire exercise was designed as a practice run for my new assistant. However, I could not escape, the bondage was tight, and the rope around my genitals was making me so horny. Before my assistant gagged me, I told her … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, Teaser/Trailers | 4 Comments

Clean Bondage Video

We had a warm weekend, but I was too busy on Saturday to go to the swamp and the low tide was just too late on Sunday. Of course, the mud and water are pretty cold, even on a warm day. Since I couldn’t go swamping, I opted for some clean bondage. I had hoped … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, Teaser/Trailers | 2 Comments

Video Log Entry

Today (Nov 25, 2017), after I was finished with some household repairs, I had to step out to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. It was around 20C (68F) today. I walked back into the woods, stomped around in the new mud pit for a few minutes, rinsed off, then set about rigging a self-bondage … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, Mud pit, The Back Yard | Comments Off on Video Log Entry

Nowhere to Turn (clean bondage clip)

This clip is just awesome. I wish someone had poured mud over my face, just to make it even better! I shot this with 3 cameras and I got some great angles. Every camera was set for perfect focus and exposure. That, in itself, doesn’t make a great video, but combine 3 perfect perspectives with … Continue reading »

Categories: Clean Bondage Adventures, The Back Yard | 2 Comments

New clean bondage clip

Double-Cuff Predicament is a new clip I shot on 2017-03-24. The image kind of speaks for itself. In a nutshell, I am cuffed to a tree (upside down) by my wrists and my genitals. I have a rope around my genitals that is tied to my ankles which are, in turn, attached to a hard-point … Continue reading »

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Predicament Bondage Clip

I wasn’t going to advertise this clip here, but I changed my mind. There are some of you who enjoy my outdoor bondage clips. I can’t call this one a “clean” bondage clip, because I get pretty dirty, but it’s not a mud clip, either. I really enjoyed making this clip. It took me a … Continue reading »

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Roped Between 4 Trees (new clip)

Roped Between 4 Trees, 2016-04-26 is a new predicament bondage clip. It is pretty mild, as far as predicaments go, but it features an animated struggle with no way to escape. Aside from the gag, it was an all rope bondage. My wrists were tied to a tree opposite the tree to which one of … Continue reading »

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