Monthly Archives: September 2016

New Clip: The Crossing

I shot this one on August 27 on Hunters Creek. In this clip, I’m dressed in a sleeveless top, jeans, boots and my trusty hat. I explore the swamp a little before attempting to cross an expanse of quickmud using a grappling hook and a rope for assistance. Things don’t go as planned and I … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | 4 Comments

New Tarzan Clip

The Demise of Tarzan, 2016-08-16 I’m afraid this clip doesn’t end well for Tarzan. He’s having a lively stroll through the marsh grass, wearing only his camouflage loin cloth. Tarzan likes to travel light. Without warning, the ground gives way under his feet and he finds himself sucked into the bottomless ooze. I hate to … Continue reading »

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Tarzan, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | 2 Comments