Monthly Archives: June 2017

Yet Another Archery Video

Look people, I have a very complicated camera and I’m still figuring it out, *and* I love to make archery videos. So back off! 🙂 I shot this video in 4K on an overcast day, which makes for some awesome imagery. I also set up a stereo microphone configuration so you could hear the bow … Continue reading »

Categories: The Back Yard | 3 Comments

My Date with the Surgeon

Sorry, there are no photos to go with this post. I had my consultation with the doctor, today. They did a complete checkup on me and evaluated the condition of my nerves to be sure I had no nerve damage/blockage. After X-rays and a physical exam, they concluded that surgery was not needed and that … Continue reading »

Categories: General mudding, What about the Community? | 3 Comments

Biding my Time Before Surgery

I’ve got a consult scheduled for next week with a surgeon, regarding my back. In the mean time, I’m just trying to avoid further injury and keep in shape. In this video, I’m doing some pull-ups, while waiting for my laundry to dry. It’s not a great video. Just a status update. I hope you … Continue reading »

Categories: The Back Yard, What about the Community? | 2 Comments

New Video & Other News

I shot this video the day I blew out a disc in my back. This may be my last swamp video this summer. It was physically painful, editing this video, but I wanted to get it into my store. I do have one other video I made in May with a T-girl, and I hope … Continue reading »

Categories: Teaser/Trailers | 4 Comments