Tagged With: struggle

Another Trip Through the Shortcut

I hadn’t taken the shortcut in a long time. I wanted to take TannerQS through it, but I’m really glad I didn’t. There is no way he would have made it through. It took me 2.5 hours, yesterday and almost 100% of that time was slogging through waist deep or deeper mud. The few chances … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | 7 Comments

New Clip: Messy Self Bondage

When I went out this past Monday, as I mentioned in my blog, I went somewhere where I could tie myself to a tree. I was very horny, and I played for nearly an hour. Even though I edited out all of the tying and retying, and the bits that weren’t that interesting, I still … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

New Clip: Bound to a Block

I’ve got literally 9 more clips after this one, but I think this was the oldest one that hadn’t yet been released, so I wanted to get it off my to-do list. The next oldest one is from April 24, but that one will have to wait for me to get a full immersion clip … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | 2 Comments

New Clip: A Narrow Escape

I just released the escape scene from June 16, when I tied my ankles to a heavy weight and sank up to my ears in thick mud. It is a long, protracted struggle. Up until the end, where I got distracted a little because the struggle had made me horny, the clip is an authentic … Continue reading »

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Production issues, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | Comments Off on New Clip: A Narrow Escape