Just a Vlog for 6/2

I got a heck of a workout today, and too much sun. I’m going to bed early. Some day, there might be a video from this trip, but I’m not too sure. In spite of my efforts, I don’t think I really got anything interesting. Then again, I might just be really tired.

p.s. I’m pretty happy with how lean and strong I am, going into summer and approaching my 60th birthday. I can outdistance most people who are half my age. 🙂

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, General mudding, Inversion, Video blog (vlog) | 2 Comments

By Request: Shower Frames

Here are some frames from the 4k video shot on May 27, by request. I could make better quality images if I plan a photo shoot, but 4k video is pretty good resolution. Click on an image to download it.

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New Swamp Clip in Denim Short-shorts

Treacherous Mud in Denim features a muddy struggle in the swamp, wearing tiny denim short-shorts, a whilte crop-top t-shirt and my hat. I get mired down to my crotch shortly after leaving my kayak. I sink deep enough to get my shorts muddy before I extract myself and the camera gets a good shot of my muddy jean shorts. I slip while trying to jump across the mud and I end up back in some very deep mud where I must be very careful to avoid sinking too deep. Again, I manage to pull myself out and the clip ends with more closeups of my muddy crotch.

I shot more video, today (June 1, 2024), so I will have at least one more clip to publish. I’ll have a tiny, latex thong clip, and possibly some wallowing in these denim shorts, without the hat or t-shirt. Check back in a few days, if you’re looking for even less coverage, and some muddy cock stroking. For now, it’s just this little drama. I hope you like it.

Here is the clip link, again: Treacherous Mud in Denim, 2024-06-01

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New Mud Pit Clip

This time, I had some help, so I got to get my wrists and elbows bound with zip-tie cuffs. I was also gagged with tape and my ankles were zip-tied together. The mud pit has some clay mixed into it, so it is pretty thick and sticky. I got very messy, but it took some effort to get really immersed in the thick, heavy mud.

The struggle in the muck lasts for about 11.5 minutes. The last minute of the clip is of my muddy body, emerging from the mud, me scraping some of the mud off, then 25 seconds of me, showering in the outdoor shower. I just added those last bits on as bonus material. The shower scene actually lasted a lot longer.

Here is the link to purchase this clip: Zip Tied in the Mud Pit

Categories: Bondage in mud, Mud pit, Teaser/Trailers | 6 Comments

New Swamp Clip

A Quickie in the Swamp is a mixed bag of scenes. There is no theme. The only consistent thing is what I’m wearing. I get out of my boat, walk over to one of my favorite mud holes to do some maintenance on it. I then walk over to the really deep pool of mud where I sink a little before I dive in, head-first. I just generally wallow around, get out and walk over to a new spot, then lie back and partially cover myself in slippery mud so I can avoid the cool breeze and play with my penis for a while before I decide I’m too cold to finish.

I had some audio issues while shooting the video, but I think I papered over them in my edit, so you shouldn’t be bothered by them, although there are some subtle hints of trouble. Unfortunately, it made some of the video unusable.

Check out the trailer below, and here is my store link: A Quickie in the Swamp

The elements haven’t been working in my favor, lately. Our weather has been unpredictable and stormy. The tides have been tepid, at best, and my trusty live tide gauge is out of commission, so I cannot monitor the water level in real time. 🙁

I do hope to shoot some new content, soon. I still need to figure out exactly what is causing my audio issues. I think it’s my external microphone, but I need to be sure before I can trust my camera not to mess up more of my video. Working in the salt water is hard on gear; especially microphones.

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Inversion, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | 2 Comments

Still At It

I’m not dead, and I’m still working on mud and bondage content. I have been spending some time, setting up complicated bondage scenes, because when I have an image in my head, I need to act it out and record it. If for no other reason, to have documentation of my idea. Sometimes I need to document the “how” as much as the “what”, because it require some creative thinking to get in and out of these predicaments without help.

As far as mud goes, I’ve mostly been working on my mud pit in the woods. On May 20, I set out to remix the mud and move some clay from the clay pit to the mud pit, in the hope that it would improve the texture and thickness of the mud.

I really wanted to dig the existing mud out of the mud pit before I added the clay. I laid out a tarp to shovel the mud onto, but the recent rains had saturated the ground to the point that the hydraulic pressure outside the liner was pushing the liner in where the mud had been removed. So, I opted to add the clay and move the mud around as much as I could to work the clay deeper into the mud.

After working on the mud pit, I went out to the forest for a hike and to explore some potential mud. I shot a little video as I walked in the stream, but it was getting dark and when I got to the place I hoped to sink, the water was too high (probably a high tide). I also noted that the area has grown up with vegetation since my last visit. I’m not sure if it will be worth revisiting, since I have many better places to sink at low tide. I do like the ambiance of the forest (kind of a tropical jungle look), but there is also the poison ivy thing.

On May 21, I did my bondage photo in the morning and after work I returned to the mud pit. I was going to shoot something to sell, but I was in a dark mood and I was having trouble getting motivated to do much of anything, so I decided I’d just torture myself in the mud pit and try some different things.

My first idea was to “dive” into the mud pit, head first, with my genitals tied to the hard point above the pit. The idea was that I wouldn’t be able to right myself, but it didn’t really work that way. Also, the water on the surface of the pit went right up my nose when I dove into the pit. That was not a good way to get started.

I mostly recovered from the water up my nose before I set up the next scene where my ankles were tied to a post outside the pit and my genitals were hiked up from the front, so my head and my upper body would be able to sink while I bucked my hips to tease my cock and balls. That scene worked alright, but I was in no danger of sinking into the thick mud without a lot of effort. It was kind of cool, in that once I worked my head under, it was equally difficult to pull it back out.

My final scene was different, in that I wasn’t held up by my genitals, but rather held down by them. That one was the closest I got to genital torture, and I really couldn’t get out until my timer released me. That was also the first setup where I could get my entire body into the thick mud. It was a pretty good time.

I was horny after all this, and I really wanted to do one final scene where I masturbated to orgasm on camera, but (sorry, guys) I was getting cold and I felt the best thing would be to get rinsed off, dry, and into some warm clothes before I got hypothermia.

Below are some more video frames from my adventures on May 20/21. I’m sure I’ll have a new video, eventually. I’ve been editing the video as I go, but getting a video finalized and published takes time.

Categories: Bondage in mud, Clean Bondage Adventures, Inversion, Mud pit | 2 Comments

New Mud Pit Clip

This is a combination mud pit, bondage, wedgie, and hip gyrating clip. It’s actually a little story about a mud slave who doesn’t want to work, so he is punished with a really tight, ball crushing, rope harness over tight jean shorts. Things get progressively worse, since the mud slave can’t seem to focus on the task at hand, since the ropes on his genitals are making him horny. It’s really a very sad story. You probably don’t want to see it, so just ignore this post altogether.

When I shot this clip, it sort of evolved into a story. If I had planned it, I would probably have ended up gagged, but I barely had enough rope to get properly roped into the pit. The really true part of the entire saga is that I was getting very horny. By the end of the video, where I pull out my penis, there is a barely noticeable drool of pre-cum.

I have more of the story in the description in my clip store. Here is a link: A Reluctant Mud Slave Gets Punished

Of course, I pretty much have to make a teaser for every clip, these days. The kids expect a lot of me. So here is that …

Categories: Bondage in mud, Mud pit, Teaser/Trailers | Comments Off on New Mud Pit Clip

Another Trip Through the Shortcut

I hadn’t taken the shortcut in a long time. I wanted to take TannerQS through it, but I’m really glad I didn’t. There is no way he would have made it through. It took me 2.5 hours, yesterday and almost 100% of that time was slogging through waist deep or deeper mud. The few chances I had to paddle were very brief.

I started out around 16:00 and I finished my trip close to 20:00. That includes a few miles of paddling on open water and cleaning up after the muddy slog. Either way, it was a marathon and a full body workout.

In this clip, I struggle with my boat, I play in deep mud, and I use every method I can think of to move my body and my boat towards the goal. The tide was going out the entire time I was struggling desperately to make progress. By the time I was half way through, there was very little water left in the channel, so the going got really hard. I didn’t have the luxury of waiting on the high tide, because it was getting dark. It was a really good time.

You can check out the full clip here: A Mile of Mud

You can find the teaser, below, and a gallery of frames below that.

I selected 10 images for my promotional composite, but I could only use 4, and I have to make them smaller. So here are 9 of 10 (# 10 is at the top of this post) for you to check out.

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Exploring, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , | 7 Comments

A Weekend of Mudding

I went out to the swamp on May 4 and May 5. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to show for it. I hosted @Tannerquicksand (on X) in my swamp. The first day we went out, I took him out to Hunters Creek, which is a 2.5 mile paddle. We lost a lot of time on the paddle, but Tanner got to spend about 90 minutes in the mud before the tide got too high.

The Clay Pit

Tanner started the next day in my clay pit. I took some photos for him, helped him with his clay pit video and posted a couple photos on X (Twitter). After recovering the clay, we were heading out into the swamp, again to catch the low tide. This time we had a shorter paddle, and I invited my camera guy because I thought we were going to shoot something together. First I took Tanner to the peat mud hole where he wanted to shoot for his OnlyFans, so camera guy and I had to go somewhere else to talk quiety, and wait for him to finish.

Shooting a live stream for TannerQS

While Tanner was shooting content in my peat mud, I was watching the tide, which was still going out. I interrupted Tanner so we could go somewhere else while the tide was still going out. I took him to one of my favorite deep mud spots. I held his phone for him so he could do a live stream, and camera guy took some still photos and videos after which we returned to the canoe to wait while Tanner shot his video for OnlyFans.

I probably should have been more assertive about getting something unique while Tanner was here. I grabbed a few behind-the-scenes shots and camera guy took a few pictures of me, so it wasn’t a total loss. Any day I get to spend in the swamp is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. I’m glad Tanner got to enjoy some of my favorite mudding spots and I assume he got lots of content he can sell or use to promote himself … gotta pay for the drive out here, ya know? I would have covered more miles and gotten way more content if I had gone alone. I wish Heather was still in town.

I haven’t even gone through all the video, yet. I might put something together for my blog, when I get the time. You’re going to have to wait for my next trip for any new clips.

Categories: Clay Pit, General mudding, Production issues, What about the Community? | 3 Comments

Another Muddy Morning

On April 30 I talked myself into a trip into the swamp, in spite of my recent rejection from C4S that kind of broke my heart. I wasn’t going to shoot any video, but I wanted some documentation and maybe some bits for my blog, so I did shoot some video on my action camera.

The highlight of my trip was some self-bondage in the peat mud, wearing my tiniest, tightest Speedo. Those were some pretty intense scenes, and I did capture most of it on camera. If, for no other reason, I might enjoy reviewing it, later.

I am going to attach a free vlog video to this post. Enjoy my video blogs while you can. I’ve been removing old videos and I may not be uploading many new ones. If I can’t sell videos, I will have to cut back, somewhere.

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Inversion, Production issues, Video blog (vlog) | 2 Comments

New Quickmud Clip (Rejected!)

Hello, Hope this email finds you well.
We noticed a scene in the clip from 7:04 until 7:32 that does not quite align with our Content Rules. Our platform guidelines do not allow acting out or describing scenarios involving maiming or killing individuals. Please review the posting and ensure the content is compliant. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

This clip was filmed on April 18, so we are no longer mourning John’s demise in quickmud/quicksand. I mean, it’s not like it’s the first time we’ve lost him in the swamp. However, I am pretty upset that C4S has rejected this clip as “Snuff/horror”. I’m afraid I may not be able to sell any “death by quicksand” scenes, and possibly some other types of scenes that are big sellers.

This could be the last straw, the final nail in the coffin, the thing that pushes me over the edge … the end of my struggle to make money making muddy content.

In this clip, John is hiking in blue jeans, a safari shirt, and a safari hat … and sunglasses. He steps into an innocent looking muddy spot and discovers that it is bottomless, sucking muck. Of course, he discovers it too late and he gets pulled completely under by the insidious swamp trap.

There isn’t much more to say about this clip. It is, in a nutshell, a fully-clothed quicksand clip. No, the quicksand isn’t wearing clothes … silly.

The teaser below will tell you everything you need to know, it’s just too bad you can’t see the full 8 minutes.

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Teaser/Trailers, Total immersion | 2 Comments

New Clip: Duct Tape Gagged

I was thinking of one of my fans (@TynanFox) when I packed a roll of duct tape with my gear to take into the swamp on April 18. I also shaved my mustache before I left. I didn’t know what to expect from the tide that day, and I was afraid I would arrive late. As it turned out, I was a little late, but the tide was very low and I had an excellent window for playing in the mud and shooting some clips.

The tape-gagged clip was the second clip I shot. I haven’t ever wrapped duct tape all the way around my head, so that was a new experience. I made 3 wraps around my head and over my mouth, which made a very strict and secure gag. There was no way I could even breathe through my mouth. I must admit, that the tightness and strictness of the gag turned me on. I think this would have been really fun if I had someone else to tie me up and push me into the mud.

After I set up 2 cameras and got my wrists tied behind my back, I just stepped into a pool of mud that I knew had no bottom. What was I thinking? Well, those are the risks I take to bring my fans amazing swamp videos.

If the mud hadn’t developed a pool of water around me (this is pretty common), I might have been able to go all the way under with my mouth taped and my wrists tied, but I just didn’t want to risk snorting muddy water up my nose in such a compromised position, so I stopped sinking when the mud/water reached my nose. The sinking stopped there, but I added a few additional bits to the video, after I had freed my wrists, while I was removing the duct tape, and finally my muddy crotch after I was completely free.

I hope there are some others who get off on tape gags. It would suck to have sacrificed my mustache and gone to all this trouble for $6. Check out the teaser and please consider supporting my efforts. It’s not all fun and games, ya know. Tape Gagged and Sinking, 2024-04-18

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Stuck, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on New Clip: Duct Tape Gagged

April 18 Vlog

I had a pretty good window in which to enjoy the mud and shoot some video, today. I shot three videos. The third one might not become a clip, but the first two were a quicksand clip and a duct tape gagged clip for TynanFox, because he asked nicely. I also did my first head-first dive of the season. So, you could say the mudding season is now in full swing.

I hope you enjoy this short, mostly behind the scenes, free video clip …

Categories: Bondage in mud, Inversion, Total immersion, Video blog (vlog) | Comments Off on April 18 Vlog

April 16 Trip Report

Well, there you have it. This is just a trip report. I have video, but nothing ready to release into the wild … except the short clip, below.

I wore my really tight, really short, white jean shorts that I love. They may never be white again, BTW. The tide was pretty tepid (we are between moons), so I picked a spot that has a little bit higher elevation. By “higher”, I mean a few inches (5-10 cm) higher. I really wasn’t sure how I was going to pull it off, but I wanted to get hogtied and slide into a mud hole, from which I would not be able to escape while hogtied.

Overall, I think the effort was a success. I managed to get tied up pretty well, and I managed to work up the mud so I’d be able to dunk my head under as I struggled against the ropes. I used two cameras to capture the action and both of them did a pretty good job. I’m in love with my little G100 and the 9mm pancake lens I bought for it. It is almost like an action cam, in that you don’t have to focus, but the camera gives me more control and better dynamic range than the action cam.

After the hogtie scene, I was a little chilly, so I reclined on the ground to soak up some warm sun and to keep my body out of the wind (being close to the ground, the swamp grass offers more protection from the wind).

I didn’t shoot much, outside of the hogtie scene and my little warmup, so, here is a short edit:

(note that my white shorts are toast)

Categories: Bondage in mud, Deep Mud Adventures, Mudding Attire, Video blog (vlog) | Tags: , , | Comments Off on April 16 Trip Report

New Clip: Erotic mud in PVC

It’s actually called, “Soft, Deep, Erotic Mud”. Coming up with distinct titles is not easy when you do pretty much the same stuff, over and over.

Anyway, I arrive at one of my favorite spots in my kayak, wearing a crop top and tiny PVC briefs. The clip opens as I am positioning my kayak and climbing out into the bottomless muck with a few inches of water over it.

I struggle a bit and I sink up to my waist before I pull myself up onto something that resembles solid ground, but it’s also pretty soft.

Next you see me, venturing over to a really marshy spot and sinking pretty quickly up to my crotch. In a couple of moves I’m up to my navel. I mostly toy with the mud until I pull myself up far enough that you can see my muddy crotch. I spend most of the remainder of the video, playing with my cock and balls. Although I don’t cum, I’m pretty excited by the end of the clip.

Soft, Deep, Erotic Mud, 2024-03-31

Categories: Deep Mud Adventures, Teaser/Trailers | Tags: , , | 5 Comments