Warm Day in the Forest – New Clip

Posted by on December 16, 2024

I went hiking this afternoon and decided it was warm enough to record a little drama on the edge of the swamp. It’s mostly a “stuck” clip, but it’s also a dramatic attempt to escape from an unseen captor.

I changed into my moccasin boots and short jean shorts, and I tied my wrists behind my back … a little too well. When I was finished shooting the scenes with my wrists tied behind my back, I had a hard time getting them untied.

The scene that plays out is, in a nutshell, John Marsh, running through the woods, slogging a bit over soft ground, then getting hopelessly stuck when his entire leg gets almost instantly swallowed in what looks like a safe place to walk. Before he knows it, he is trapped and he doesn’t have much time before the people pursuing him will find him. After a lengthy struggle, he does manage to free himself, but he is recaptured while he is taking a brief rest against a tree … with his wrists still bound, and now muddy too.

C4S Store link: John Marsh Attempts to Escape

5 Responses to Warm Day in the Forest – New Clip

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    MERRY CHRISTMAS. With a new computer, I’m back to normal communicating. Liked at lot the “Stuck in a red brief” video.

    • mudbondage

      Yes. It’s Christmas, again. Can’t wait for the days to start getting longer. I’m glad you enjoyed the red-brief video. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to shoot, again.

  2. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…HAPPY NEW YEAR…I hope it is a good year for you.

  3. Dolphin

    I would imagine you’re not adventuring into the marshes and swamps right now. The fires still continue to burn, and there is a prediction of 40+mph winds starting some time tonight or early tomorrow morning. This a really horrific…nothing like it for at least 40 or 50 years. I had a family of six evacuees staying in Apartment B of my building. They seemed to return to their place which was in a nonmandatory evacuation zone. The air quality is not good…in fact, bad…all sorts of soot, ash, and who knows sorts of chemicals in the air now. Needless to say I’ve got a N8 mask on whenever outdoors, even for just a few minutes.

    Hope you are doing ok these days. I’m tentatively planning a visit to Hendersonville in mid to late April…sort of around the Easter holiday.

  4. mudbondage

    I’ve been following the fires in southern CA. Even from way over here it looks pretty catastrophic. I hope the smoke doesn’t get too bad for you and I feel for all those people losing their homes, and sometimes their lives.

    This has been a brutally cold winter. The weather seems to be crazy all over. I’m anxious for a warming trend. I go out as often as I can, and I do what I can. When it’s this cold, that usually means just hiking and sitting around a campfire. I still go camping in the winter, but I’m definitely not getting wet if I have a choice.

    I’ve been super busy in the office the past month or two. I hope my workload moderates before spring, but at least I have something to do in the cold months.

    Stay safe.

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