A 2nd Night in the Swamp

Posted by on April 22, 2023

On 4/21 I made a second trip to the swamp in as many days. The new moon did not disappoint. This time, I got out there before the tide got really low, so I could be there for the duration of the low tide. I had about 75 minutes before the sun was close to setting and I had to pack up and paddle out. At that time, the tide was about to come in, but was still orgasmically low.

Strangely, I didn’t really feel like sinking over my head. Frankly, I was pretty uninspired. So, I wandered around, sinking here and there, exploring some places I haven’t visited lately, posing for some video, and finally doing a little bondage on the post. The bondage got me excited, but it was already getting late and the gnats were starting to get on my nerves.

My first effort at video was sort of an experiment. I wanted to try shooting with the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera (4k), using one of my favorite lenses, just to see what kind of quality I would get. I set up the Lumix to capture a wider view, as the BMPCC was pretty tight. Unfortunately, I had the Lumix set to take still photos, so when I “started” it, it took a single still photo and that was it. So I didn’t get a wide shot or the audio I was expecting. The video from the BMPCC is visually superior, and I might try that again, sometime, but taking that camera into the swamp is risky business. I actually bought a big, wide, heavy kayak (pictured above) just so I could set up one or more cameras on the boat and have a stable platform to avoid mishaps with soft ground.

After that attempt, the tide was still going out. I cleaned up (mostly) and slogged around for a while, shooting video on my action-cam. That video was a huge disappointment, because the camera really didn’t deal well with the late day sun. You can see what I’m talking about in the stills where my skin is badly overexposed (like the one to the right).

I found a spot where the mud was deep, but really thick, and I sunk up to my crotch. The thick mud pretty much stopped me at my crotch, so I played with the idea of teasing my genitals against the mud, as my legs were pretty much stuck. I shot a lot of video of that horny escapade, but I’m still depressed about the video quality. Late day sun should be great for video, but not with my action-cam, apparently.

I kept slogging around, looking for interesting places, but eventually I came back to the post where I have done bondage scenes in the past. I tied my ankles together and tied my genitals to the post. That was a fun struggle, and it played into my darker fantasies as my arms sank deeper and my face got closer to the mud. I stopped short of drowning myself, partly because the damn gnats were biting and I don’t want to be that guy who dies in the swamp and gets eaten by tiny, nearly invisible insects. 😀

One final note: Obviously, I have a lot of video from this trip. All of the stills in this post are from video, except the extreme close up of my crotch in the kayak seat (I have video of that, too). However, I’m not sure what, if any of the video is going to be for sale. I created a 2 minute vlog-style video what I was going to put here, but I decided I need to rethink the amount of video I’m giving away.

4 Responses to A 2nd Night in the Swamp

  1. Hennie

    Hi Doug,hot pics of you wading exploring the creek,so nice wearing ur red low rise swimbrief.Particular the horny pic,showing rock hard big muddy cock which you could no longer hide inside the tight swimbrief..

  2. Silverlake

    100% agree. It’d been awhile since I’d seen your mud covered dick exposed. I’d forgotten just how thick you are. Definitely has me salivating!! It’s nice to see it’s getting back into mud season out there, definitely looking forward to seeing you blunder out into deadly, hungry quickmud!

    • mudbondage

      I’ve already been blundering this season. The big problem is that I haven’t found time to do much editing and publishing, so there are few videos.

      I think production is going to be slow this year. I’ll try to get the best videos out as quickly as possible. There will probably be many videos that never get published.