The Last Low Tide

Posted by on July 19, 2023

At least for a while, if the current trend continues. I had some moderately low tides (where I would have had super low tides in the past), thanks to the new moon (sun and moon aligned). I left home around 3:30pm so I’d be able to arrive in the great mud zone around 5pm (30 minute drive and 60 minute launch/paddle).

When I arrived, the tide was still going out. I didn’t go straight for the familiar mud. Instead, I paddled away from the creek, into the muddy channels that cut through the marsh grass. The channels are filled with deep mud, but the channel I chose to traverse was full of timber and generally has some water over parts of it. I had hoped to get to a spot where I have played before, but I wasn’t able to get that far, in spite of a heroic effort.

I put together a seven minute video that covers the highlights of my trip from the time I got out of my boat into the mud, until I got washed off and started packing up to paddle back. The video has been removed from the server, to make space for new vlogs (2024-04-22).

2 Responses to The Last Low Tide

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…\

    Super good vlog. That looks like wonderful mud. Thanks for the adventure.

  2. Hennie

    Hi Doug,just kind of video which I love very much.So hot walking and sinking in the creek,with (unespected?) deep holes,wearing your black small swim brief.