New Quicksand Clip

Posted by on May 27, 2022

Help! I’m in Quicksand is now available to purchase. This “quicksand” clip … more accurately “quickmud” … features a unique performance in which I struggle to stay afloat and call out for help. Of course, help does not arrive and I am eventually exhausted by my struggles and I succumb to the sucking mud.

The weather was very much in my favor, also. It was a cloudy day, which makes for more even lighting, and I had a long-lived low tide.

This clip also features a slow but steady immersion. It’s tricky to go under slow and steady when you can no longer breathe. Although I was literally gasping for air, I tried really hard to make it look like I was being pulled down by the treacherous muck. After I disappear completely, you see my hands come up for a moment, then it’s just the quaking mud and bubbles.

Speaking of quaking mud, that’s something I tried to emphasize with this movie. When I was struggling to stay afloat, I was sweeping my arms and rocking my body to keep the mud in motion as much as I could.

I’m not sure if this clip turned out to be the best ever quicksand clip, but I think it’s up there in the top 10, for sure. I hope someone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Purchase link: Help! I’m in Quicksand!

9 Responses to New Quicksand Clip

  1. andy85

    Thank you I really enjoyed it looking forward to some more Andy

    • mudbondage

      Thanks, Andy. I didn’t have your favorite wardrobe with me on this trip, so you’re stuck with the black briefs. 😉

      I don’t know if I can do a better performance than this one, though. This was absolutely exhausting, but it did help me get warmed up. The video isn’t exactly what I imagined, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever hit that mark. If you have any suggestions as to what would make it better, I’m all ears … except where I am neck, torso, arms, legs, etc. I mean, if I were really “all ears”, I probably wouldn’t be able to do what I do.

  2. coney

    I thought this was great too – as usual, the commentary helped (just hearing the word ‘quicksand’ always makes me excited).

    Possibly a strange request but I wonder if you’d be interested in ‘quicker’ sinks, e.g. you fall in and go under in less than two minutes – with everything in this latest video compressed into that time.

    • mudbondage

      I can try to go under faster, but the last bit is difficult to speed up, because I’m trying to overcome my buoyancy. If you can believe it, I spent most of this video, trying to sink deeper while making it look like I was trying to escape. Essentially, I have to fight for every inch.

      To a great extent, it depends on the consistency and density of the mud.

    • mudbondage

      … sometimes it works to hang a heavy weight on my body, but the weight doesn’t even sink on it’s own in some places. I need the weight to pull me down, not just hold me down.

      • coney

        Is it any easier/better with peat mud? You have a number of videos in a peat bog which are some of my favourite 🙂

  3. Silverlake

    Yep! Definitely a top 10 quicksand (quickmud 😉 ) video. The grunting and whimpering were amazing, listening to you realize you’re stuck in quicksand, watching you struggle to stay up only causing you to sink further. I found myself whispering quietly for you to just surrender to your fate being swallowed alive by the mire. Even the post-sunk wiggling of the mud, and those bubbles.. *chef’s kiss*