Video Expedition Log

Posted by on September 18, 2021

Here is a brief overview of my trip on September 17, 2021. I started out my adventure shooting a “trapped”, or stuck clip where I sink up to my neck. After that, I got rained on and had the world’s most exhausting slog. I actually got rained on multiple times. I found a 12 ft 4×4 board that I hauled to a nearby sinking hole for a future video. My trip ended with a bondage video (not in my vlog), and I arrived back at the boat launch just after sunset. The entire trip was about 5.5 hours of non-stop exertion.

Update: The full 17 minute version of this excursion is now available for purchase.

3 Responses to Video Expedition Log

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    Super tantalising treaster/vlog!!!

  2. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    Super tantalising treaser/vlog!!!