August 21 Expedition

Posted by on August 22, 2021

I had a request for another diving video and I was anxious to get out on the water, again, so I set out on the White Oak River, yesterday for an adventure. I arrived early, so I had some time before the tide reached it’s lowest point and I spent some of that time shooting my vlog.

The tide didn’t get low enough for me to shoot the diving video, but it did get low enough for me to shoot an immersion/drowning quickmud video clip while I was waiting. While I was shooting the quickmud clip, my action-cam was shooting a time-lapse video of the other mud hole where I planned to do my diving.

(vlog video removed to save space on my web server)

One Response to August 21 Expedition

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    I’ve watched all of them…and saved them…much fun to go back and review past Vlogs.