Changes to come

Posted by on September 21, 2011

I’ve been researching plug-ins for making a WordPress blog (like this one) private. Just so you all aren’t too shocked, I’m warning you, now, that I might try out various privacy features here, just to experiment. I find the idea of having a members-only blog somewhat intriguing (remember when there were perks for patrons?). I’d have to make some changes around here, again, for that to be practical. So, for now, if you find yourself having to log in, or being locked out (if you have no log-in), don’t panic, it is only temporary. If you have a log-in, please try to log in, and let me know if you have trouble. Otherwise, there would be no benefit to the experiment! (The old contact form on the main site still works to send me messages.)

I’d also like to know if you members would be more likely to post your own stuff if the blog were a members only blog?

On a completely unrelated note: I should be releasing another movie soon. I’ve had a lull in production due to weather and seasonal tide variations. I should be shooting a few more movies before the end of the season. Then there may be another, long lull. Especially the way our winters have been the last couple of years. Decembers have been particularly harsh.

2 Responses to Changes to come

  1. Dolphin

    Logging in was as always…no problems. Would I continue to post comments, etc., sure would.,

    • mudbondage

      I haven’t made it private, yet. 🙂 I must move some advertising content to the main site before I can make this private. I’d want the public to be able to view G-rated trailers and stills.