April 2 Extended Swamp Trip

Posted by on April 3, 2023

The low tide was too much to pass up on Sunday, although it was a cool day with just enough of a breeze to be a little chilly when you’re wet.

I set out around 13:30 on Sunday. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I got to the launch just before 14:00 and launched my boat as quickly as I could. I didn’t want to miss out on the low tide and I had a long trip on the water to get where I wanted to go.

I took the short cut where I drag my boat through the grass to bypass a couple miles of paddling. I had plenty of paddling to do, so I figured I’d let my legs do some of the work. When I got to the creek after my overland passage, I could see the tide was pretty low already. It was early enough that I’d have several hours before I’d have to return to the boat launch, so I crossed my fingers and hoped the tide would stay low for at least a couple of hours.

My progress on the creek was slow because I had to stop and check out some interesting looking spots. I shot as much video as I could, but my main focus was paddling to my destination. As it turned out, I found somewhere else I wanted to spend some time before I got to my intended destination and I spent the rest of my play time there. I did some exploring, and I set up the bondage scene I had planned for the day.

After shooting my “feature” scene, I was getting pretty cold. I had been wet and mostly naked for a long time and it was starting to take it’s toll on my core temperature. I had to get washed off and back into some clothes. I didn’t really have much in the way of dry clothes, so I was going to be wet for the rest of the trip. I did have a dry shirt I could put on, but I waited until I was sure I wasn’t going to get it wet.

The trip was a lot of fun. I returned to the launch just before sunset (probably 19:00 or so), so I had been out for about 5 hours from the time I launched until my return. Needless to say I got a lot of exercise. I also got my feature video and some behind the scenes video. The images included here are from the video.

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