Expedition Clip Released

Posted by on July 1, 2022

You can find a decent description of this clip and an extended length trailer for it in my previous blog entry. In a nutshell, I went out in my tiny, rubberized briefs and navigated my way up a muddy channel. I had to go under trees, over log jams, and through lots of treacherous muck. I stopped and played in a half dozen places along the way. That was the purpose of the trip.

This is a pretty good video, because it was an overcast day, which makes for excellent image quality. The audio is so-so, since most of the video was recorded on the action cam (not a great mic), and there were helicopters flying over, at times.

Here is a convenient link to the clip in my clip store: A Swamp Expedition in Red Bikini Briefs

4 Responses to Expedition Clip Released

  1. Hennie

    Hi Doug,your swamp expedition video is very hot and nice.Love the wading and sinking in the waterly black mud.Your red bikini in front in the very low rise modus,so there is sometimes more mud inside then outside,must feel good for the balls and your cock.Hope the summer will continue in this way.

    • mudbondage

      I’m glad you enjoyed that, Hennie. That sneaky mud seems to go everywhere! 😉

  2. Hennie

    Hi Doug,I watched your video ….tig times.Every time I enjoy the mud scenes.The video is super.