April 17 Vlog Entry

Posted by on April 18, 2020

Yesterday (April 17) the weather was mild, but the wind was chilling. I hadn’t been out in a while, so I really wanted to get out on the water and get some exercise, if nothing else. I took one camera and a tripod, some warm clothes, my water bottle, and my blue, PVC shorts. I forgot sunscreen and my external microphone with a wind screen. As a result, the audio in the video is a total loss because the wind was almost constant.

I have a longer video edit that shows me getting ready, playing in the mud for about 10 minutes and getting cleaned up/dressed. However, I don’t know if that video will ever go anywhere, since there is no usable audio.

For now, enjoy this short v-log entry:

5 Responses to April 17 Vlog Entry

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    Always most interesting to hear your commentaries about your swamp adventures…and to see some snippets from your wallowing, sinking, and fun times.

    • mudbondage

      Thanks. I hope someone gets something from my v-logs. Sometimes I can’t make a clip to sell but I have some interesting shots to tell a little story. I’d hate to think I was wasting my time, although I have some extra free time these days.

  2. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    At least from my perspective, the v-logs have never been and are not a waste of time. I like them…it is a whole different perspective on your swamp adventures. Keep them coming.

  3. andy85

    I agree with Dolphin I find your vlogs both informative and entertaining
    I probably won’t get much sinking in myself this season due to the COVID19 crisis so I’ll be living vicariously through your adventures

    • mudbondage

      Thanks, Andy. The virus isn’t really impacting my opportunities, but the weather sure has been a pain in the ass. When I have a shot at a low tide, it’s either raining or cold. We’re getting some nice days, but then the low tide is too early or too late. I think it’s a conspiracy.