New Clips

Posted by on July 18, 2019

When the full moon brought me a few days of low tides I went into high gear shooting video clips, and I already had a backlog, so I’m publishing stuff as I get it ready, in priority (not chronological) sequence.

Today I published a little pond-cleaning in rubber boots and latex briefs clip. I know it won’t interest most of you, but I figured I’d do something different. Normally, I’d just give away a short clip like that, but it was a little too long and this web-site is already using too much bandwidth.

If anyone wants to check out that clip, here is a link: Rubber Boots & Latex, 2019-07-03

Tomorrow evening (July 19), I’m going to release two versions of the video I started to shoot on July 14 that got interrupted by rain. I finished it on July 15. I’m releasing it ahead of everything else because it was a special request. That is also why there are two versions, since the requester asked for a diving video. I edited a short version that is mainly just the dives, and I edited a more complete version for anyone who wants more context. They are both intense action clips. I created a short teaser that you’ll find below.

Here are the links to the peat diving videos: Diving into Peat Mud 2019-07-15, full version and Diving into Peat Mud 2019-07-15, short version

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