Some Good, Some Bad

Posted by on July 1, 2019

I woke up Saturday morning with a headache that is still with me, as I finish this blog entry on Monday morning. I needed a distraction on Sunday, so I took my kayak to the White Oak River somewhere around low tide.

It was windy on the river, so the brisk paddling helped take my mind off my headache. I paddled to one of my favorite spots that I seldom visit anymore, because it is a longer drive and I have to pay to park my car at the launch.

After today, I think I’m going to have to return. The consistency of the mud was amazing. Some of my mud-holes are very deep and easy to sink into, but you float back up because the mud isn’t thick enough to hold you down. Then there is the really thick mud that takes 10 minutes of struggling to get in up to my ears and it’s nearly impossible to go completely under. The mud I visited today was pretty easy to sink into, totally bottomless, and thick enough that when I went under, I had to claw my way back to the surface.

When I arrived at the spot where I take my boat out of the river, I stripped down to my PVC briefs, grabbed my GoPro and my trusty machete and went to locate my old sinking hole, which I assumed would be grown over with swamp grass by now.

A lot had changed since my last visit (The Demise of Tarzan, I believe). It took me a little while to find my favorite spot, hidden in the grass. I probably should have kept my shoes on for my exploratory trip. Pants might have been helpful, also. By the time I found what I was seeking, my toes were bleeding and my legs looked like I had been caught in a tornado with a box of paper. i.e. I had 1000 paper cuts from the appropriately named saw grass.

After I found my spot, I sank quickly up to my shoulders, drug myself out, and went back to clean up and swap the GoPro for a better camera and tripod. I must say, even with a painful headache, it was worth every cut to enjoy that mud. I wriggled my body into the cool, inviting mud, went completely under several times, and otherwise just enjoyed the feeling of the mud as much as I could, under the circumstances.

The one thing I could not do is get an erection. It all felt very good and rubbing my crotch brought me pleasure, but whatever was causing the pain in my head wasn’t going to let me get erect and cum. Oh well. At least I got a few hours of distraction from my pain. I’m hoping that today is the end of this damn headache, so I can get on with my life. I think you will enjoy the video when I get around to releasing it. From what I’ve seen of it, it is a great quickmud video with a little erotic action thrown in.

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