Followup Trip

Posted by on June 19, 2019

On June 16 when I barely escaped the mud with the weight tied to my ankles I did some messing around off camera right before I packed up to leave. I left the weight and bamboo pole behind so I could return to shoot an erotic bondage video with the weight.

Yesterday (June 18), I took advantage of a late day low tide to shoot my followup video. It went pretty well, although the video ran longer than I expected. How do you feel about a 55 minute clip? It will probably be about a 2GB file and it will cost around $40. I can either edit out some bits or I can break the clip into chapters and sell each chapter as it’s own clip.

I shot several different setups and one of them lasted about 30 minutes. The first one (the long one) is the one pictured at the top. I had my wrists tied behind me with a rope that went from my wrists through the ring on the heavy weight and to my genitals. I had my ankles tied to the bamboo pole so I couldn’t pull my ankles underneath me. In a nutshell, the weight slowly pulled me down until I could no longer breath, at which point I had to work my wrists free so I could come up for air. I should add that I was gagged, and my balls were actually tied around the ball-splitter strap in my thong. With my balls tied like they were, there was no way for the rope around the base of my cock to slip off. It was a slow, torturous sink (in a good way).

In the next setup, I had my wrists tied to the weight and my genitals tied to the bamboo. From a visual perspective, that means my genitals were held above the mud where they were visible. The weight pulling directly on my wrists did two things. First, it left me less play in the rope. In the first scene, if I wanted to pull my wrists up a bit, it would just pull my genitals a bit deeper. In this setup, I had a direct link to the heavy weight, so no slack to pull back. Second, the cinch between my wrists was tighter which ended up making it a lot more difficult for me to get my wrists free. So, if you can imagine, I sank until I could no longer get air, then set about to free my wrists from the weight and discovered that they were not going to come willingly.

The third setup was mostly in the interest of masturbating. I was hoping to cum above the mud but it was a little late after 50 minutes of intense struggling and jerking on my genitals, they weren’t going to give it up while I was not in imminent danger of drowning.

And that’s how you end up with a 55 minute clip of heavy, erotic mud action. By the time I was cleaning up in the creek and taking a refreshing swim, the sun was setting in the West, because that’s where the sun sets where I live.

2 Responses to Followup Trip

  1. Hennie Frans

    Hi,your pics in the follow up trip,love the wearing ur red thong with the steel cockring,looks soooo…sexy