4K/UHD content

Posted by on November 10, 2017

single UHD frame from my 4K professional camera

When I shoot with multiple cameras, I’m limited to 1080p (FHD), but when I shoot only with my new camera, I can, and often do, shoot UHD (3840 x 2160)  and even full 4K (4096 x 2160). In those cases, I generally downsize the video to 1920 x 1080 (FHD) or 1280 x 720 (HD) for publishing.

I could just upload a UHD version of the clip, when it’s available, but those files are pretty large, so I’m not inclined to upload them if there is no real advantage.

Before you say, “sure, 4K sounds great!”, keep in mind that the 4K clips will probably cost more and they’ll take up about twice as much space on your hard drive. The FHD videos already have a lot of resolution, and I think they look really good. It’s probably safe to say that I will be doing more FHD format videos, and move away from the HD (1280 x 720) frame size.

I tweeted a twitter poll from my @MudBondage twitter account. You can respond there if you don’t have an account here. I’d really like to hear from those of you who support my production efforts.

6 Responses to 4K/UHD content

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    The FHD quality for previous videos was very good…stay with it. The quality is always super good.

    • mudbondage

      Thank you, for your feedback.

    • Hennie Frans

      Hi Doug,the single UHD frame looks fantastic.I should like to try out one video in UHD to see you sink into mud wearing tight swim or underwear.I am glad to see you are in good health now,I did really missed
      your regulary oploads of ur mud adventures.

      • mudbondage

        Thanks, Hennie. I was thinking of releasing my Nov 1 erotic wallow in 4K, as an experiment. The file is 1.2GB at about 11 minutes.

  2. Gurglemire

    Interesting trade-off: better picture quality, but effectively only one angle for shooting a given scene; lower picture quality, but more options for shooting scenes. I’ve enjoyed everything up to this point, so I don’t have a pressing need for UHD or 4K versions of your work.
    I’m no video editing expert, but my guess is that editing footage from multiple cameras is more difficult and time-consuming than editing the footage from just one. So, if it would be easier for you to shoot and edit using just the one camera, I’d say do it.
    What I don’t want is you getting stressed-out (or hurting your back) trying to cater to everyone’s desires. People have stuck with you this long, I doubt there’s any danger of a mass-exodus if you switch to a single camera.

    • mudbondage

      It’s hard to say which is more difficult; one camera that I have to move around, or packing in multiple cameras. It’s always a tough decision when I’m packing gear for a trip, because I just don’t know what I’m going to encounter.

      If there was a demand for 4K video, I could get another 4K camera. I’ll probably get one in the next 12 months, anyway. I prepared a 4K video for a test case. I won’t be making many more videos in 2017, if any. I’m still pretty happy with the 1920×1080 format.

      Thank you, for your thoughts, and your concern for my health.