The Crazy Things that Happen During a Shoot

Posted by on June 12, 2016

2016-06-12f2I’ve had all kinds of things go wrong when I was shooting a mud video. I’ve setup cameras that more or less missed the action. I’ve had tripods shift so the camera pointed off into space. I’ve screwed up the focus and exposure. I missed some of the action, today, but the 2nd camera caught it. Since I’ve been shooting with multiple cameras, I’ve been able to edit around some problems.

Today something kind of funny happened. When my eyes were full of mud, the incoming tide lifted my boat and started carrying it away. That in itself wouldn’t have been a problem, since the boat couldn’t go far, but my microphone was on the boat. I haven’t listened to the audio, yet. I assume it’s going to “drift away”, towards the end.

The good news is that I got to enjoy some mud, today. It was nice to be wet and muddy when the temperature was climbing past 90F (32C). I wore my new latex briefs. I am still wearing them, as I type this. I’m thinking of recording a bondage video, this afternoon. I haven’t decided whether I should do something in the clay pit, or a clean video.

The images in this blog entry are from the video I shot this morning.


2 Responses to The Crazy Things that Happen During a Shoot

  1. Dolphin

    Hello Doug…

    I’m hoping you’ve decided to do a filming in the clay pit. By now, I’d imagine you might have already done it. It’s 2/40pm here, so that means it’s 5:40pm at your place.

    • mudbondage

      At the rate I’m going, I may not shoot anything. This time of year, 7pm is a great starting time, because the light is good. However, I’ve had 2 tons of drama this afternoon and I’m running out of both time and patience.