
Posted by on March 17, 2015

Well, I was optimistic, and the weather is really warming up fast. Today would be a perfect day to go mudding, if I were in any condition to get into the mud. Sadly, I am not. In my spring enthusiasm, I managed to get a serious case of poison ivy infection. My left leg is a mess. About the time my poison ivy rash was reaching it’s peak, I managed to burn myself pretty badly on my face and left arm. That’s a long story that I’d rather not get into. If I hadn’t survived, I could have won a Darwin award.

In any case, I’m missing a beautiful week with excellent low tides, because my skin has been compromised and I can’t risk a serious infection. It looks like I’ll get to edit more of that old video from 2014, after all. I am sad that I must wait for my body to recover, but I’m grateful that my injuries were not worse. I look pretty bad, but I should have a full recovery if I don’t do anything else stupid.

Sorry, I don’t have any pictures for this post. I’m such a mess, I’d have to be fully clothed, and hide my face.

7 Responses to Setbacks

  1. andy85

    Hi Doug
    Sorry to here about your misfortunes and I wish you a very speedy recovery
    Its still very early in the season so there’s plenty of time for some top experiences

    • mudbondage

      Thanks, Andy. I’ll be physically ready to go mudding in a few days. I just have to wait until the tides and weather align for a good trip. I’m chomping at the bit to get out there.

  2. nakedbuffbody

    Damn Doug sorry to here this. Poison Ivy is bad enough, but burns can be painful. Pray for a quick and full recovery. You take care of yourself.


    • mudbondage

      Thanks, John. So far, my wounds are healing as they should. My arm still has some blisters. I guess I’ll be waiting until next week to go back out.

      • nakedbuffbody

        Just be careful and heal up good. Don’t want to risk getting infection in that. You get the Poison Ivy clearing the creek channel out. Ivy can be bad also if it gets in your blood system. My father ended up in hospital for a couple days he had it so bad. Thought he would use a weed eater to knock back the ivy on the edge of property. That was a horrible mistake, wind blew all that juice all over him.


  3. andy85

    How’s the recovery going
    Well I hope
    Looking forward to seeing some new stuff
    Hoping for a good season over here in the UK

    • mudbondage

      I’m mostly healed. The last of the scabs from my burns have all but disappeared. I would have gone mudding today, if the weather had been more conducive to it. I’m definitely off to a slow start, this spring. The next couple of months are typically the best months of the year for mud.

      Thanks for checking in.