Peat Mud Trap clip release

Posted by on September 28, 2013

2013-09-27_peatmudtrapPeat Mud Trap opens with me, walking through the swamp in gunmetal gray shorts and a crop-top t-shirt. I walk a short way through mud, then through some woods. I then climb up on a fallen tree, and jump off the other side. Much to my chagrin, when I land on the ground, I sink up to my crotch in thick, peat mud. Of course, I struggle to escape the hungry mud, but it is futile. The result is an agonizingly slow sink that ends when I am completely engulfed in the thick, black mud.

There were 6 camera setups in this clip. I am pretty proud of how it came out. The majority of the clip is the slow descent into the peat. I wish I could have gone a little faster, but that stuff doesn’t make it easy. If I had a complaint about this clip it would be that, at times, it’s pretty obvious that I’m fighting to pull myself down. Otherwise, I’m pretty happy with it. Click the image to see a larger version. All of the images were taken from the video, so you can see the quality of the video.

This clip is available now in my male mud/bondage clip store. For more background, see my blog post for Sept 27.

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