Yard work

Posted by on April 15, 2011
man in black briefs

April 14, picking up

The weather was so nice today, it’s a shame I didn’t get muddy. There was just too much to be done today. I had office work, yard work, and I needed to make bread while the sun was still shining, since I use a SunOven to bake my bread.

Heather dropped by for a few minutes while I was working outside in the yard. You can thank her for the photos in this post.

I added my recent claypit movie to the clips4sale store. I’m still holding the recent swamping movie until I can do some additional editing. If this weather holds, I’ll be shooting in the swamp again, soon.

man in black briefs

April 14, taking a break

I was trying to get some sun while cleaning up the yard. Nobody said it was easy being an actor in mud movies. I have to wear as little as possible, to avoid those unsightly tan lines.


man in black briefs

April 14, poised

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