New Quick Mud Clip

Posted by on July 18, 2021

Back on June 9, 2021, John bit off more than he could chew when he stepped into some really deep quick mud. He disappeared below the surface and he hasn’t been heard from, since (well, we all know that’s not true, but don’t spoil it).

In this quick mud clip, John is wearing the red bikini briefs that we’ve seen a lot of this summer. I’m sorry, but they are John’s favorite. It’s too bad he can’t stay out of trouble. So, we see John pull his kayak up to the shore, walk across some soft ground, then nonchalantly step into a deceptively dangerous pool of bottomless muck. The rest, as they say, is history. The thing that sets this clip apart from some of my other, recent quick mud clips is that the last bit of the sink takes several minutes, and John talks a lot about his situation throughout the sink.

Here is the clip link: John Marsh Gets in Over His Head, 2021-06-09 … sorry, there is no teaser for this one.

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