Category: predicament bondage

New Sweaty Bondage Clip

Watching myself struggle in this clip makes me horny. The bondage doesn’t look that strict, since my arms are always free, but the situation is really pretty intense, in that I am generally pegged to the web by a rope from my genitals, through the bars of the web that is tied off on the other side of the web, out of reach. That is the real part of this predicament, in a nutshell. I am either hanging face down and having to hold myself up in some way to avoid hanging on my crotch rope, or I’m pulled up onto the web such that I have to cling to the web for dear life; unable to reach the floor.

There are two scenes and they were both a lot of fun, and a terrible tease. I had a timer to release me, eventually. Until then, I had to struggle and exert myself to avoid pain, while dripping with sweat and making myself insanely horny.

You can purchase the 8 minute clip here: Horny and Sweating on the Steel Web, 2024-07-10

See my previous post for more details and images. Check out the teaser, below …

Playing on the Steel Spider Web

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to rig my steel spider web. I have shot some hot, sweaty video along the way. I updated my clip store with a clip from these scenes. The clip was too good not to upload, but sales have been so slow that I’m tempted to just close that store, altogether.

There are many ways to get tied to the web. In the above photo, I’m being held in place by a strict, tight, crotch rope that is tied off well out of my reach, so even with my arms and legs free, I cannot free myself from the web, and even worse, I can’t even reach the floor, so I am doomed to hang onto the web any way I can, while holding myself in a position that doesn’t produce too much tension on my crotch rope.

In the image below, I am also trying desperately to not hang on the rope around my genitals that is pulled through the center of the web and tied off behind the web, out of my reach. In this predicament, my ankles and thighs are also tied. The knots at my ankles are also out of reach, unless I want to hang all my weight on my cock and balls. Contrary to what some people believe, I only do that when I have a harness that distributes my weight to other parts of my body.

The images below are two more setups with which I experimented. These setups were hard to photograph, since I was facing the wall. Of course, all of these experiments would have been more fun if I had someone to tie my wrists to the web, at least. The beauty of the spider web is that there are so many places to tie a body. Ideally, I’d be tied in eight or more different places, plus the crotch rope for torment.

B-Camera Edit from Photoshoot

On March 25, I attempted to get some interesting, outdoor bondage photos because the weather was pretty nice and I had some ideas I wanted to try. I shot some video as an afterthought. It was sort of my “b-roll” in case the stills weren’t interesting. The video had some interesting moments, so I edited a short clip to show you.

p.s. If you enjoy seeing John Marsh struggling in crotch-roped predicaments, please patronize my clip store.

New, Feature Length Clip

Enough with all the shorts and freebies! I assembled a clip that has multiple scenes in the same location, billed as a series of torments that poor John has to endure. In most of the scenes, John’s handcuffs are captured in his rope harness, behind his back. Just that little bit can be impossible to escape and is severely limiting. Add ankle bondage, a gag, and tether him to a tree, and John is left with no choice but to tease and frustrate himself as he struggles, helplessly.

Please consider supporting my efforts by purchasing this clip, or another clip, from my clip store. You can find this clip here: Crotchroped and Handcuffed in the Woods

Twisted Bedroom Bondage Idea

I got this after wrapping up another scene and I shot this video on Feb 23, 2024. I had hoped to use this video, but there were some technical issues I wanted to fix, so I’m going to reshoot it. It’s pretty easy to shoot in my bedroom and I really enjoyed this predicament, so I’m kind of excited about doing it again.

The image in the upper right best shows the twisted genius of this bondage. Pulling with my arms or legs both result in tugging on my crotch rope, which is crushing my genitals around a ball splitter rope harness. There is no way to completely relieve the stress on my genitals, especially since they are being pulled up, in addition to being pulled away from where my wrists and ankles are tied on the opposite side of the bed.

There is no way to escape or to get any relief, and struggling just makes it worse.

Bedroom Self Bondage

I recorded this for reference, because I wanted to work on this idea. It helps me remember what I did if I have a video to review. I probably spent more time setting up cameras and lights than it was worth, but it was a pretty intense scene. I adapted it after the lights and cameras were turned off so I was further up the bed and I could make it tighter. The reason to move further up the bed was to be unable to reach the bed frame with my feet.

Getting this tight, using only the weighted tightener on the ankle+genital rope, just wasn’t getting me to where I wanted to be, which was to have my hips elevated and my legs outstretched, such that I had to hold my legs and hips up to reduce the strain on my genitals.

The way I solved the tightening problem was to add a tightener to the rope holding my wrists at the head of the bed. So first I let the weight tighten my crotch line until I was unable to reach the head of the bed to release my wrist line. Then, to make things really tight, I pulled my wrists tight, which got me right where I wanted to be. The predicament in the final configuration was having to hold my legs up, or having the crotch rope get painfully tight as the weight of my legs pulled on it.

This short video only shows the initial setup and a few seconds after the timer released my crotch rope. It was a good struggle, but I could use the bed frame to hold up my legs and lift my hips.

Ball Crushing Predicament in Denim (new clip)

See also: my previous blog entry

In this scene, I am wearing obscenely short denim shorts and I’m tied in an immobilizing, inescapable predicament. I am gagged, my ankles are strapped tightly together, and my wrists are handcuffed behind my back and padlocked to the rope harness that is splitting and crushing my balls.

My only options are deciding which, painful, rope I want to pull on the hardest. I can kick my legs, but that does little to affect my situation. There is nowhere to rest, as my hips are literally suspended between the two lines that are also holding me on the bed. The one leading backwards is tied to my harness that is capturing my cock and balls and also splitting my balls. The line pulling forward is looped around my package such that my balls get crushed when I pull on that one. I cannot help but pull on one or both of the ropes as I lie there, helplessly bound and partially suspended.

Honestly, it was a lot of fun. The predicament was painful, but the struggle was a serious tease.

Link to clip in clip store: Ball Crushing Predicament in Denim

Bed Bound Punishment

This scene was some serious CBT using genital bondage. There is a rope looped around John’s cock and balls that is secured behind him. There is another loop or rope around his package that continues through a padlock holding his ankles together (in locking leather cuffs), then forward and back to ball-splitting harness, such that John can’t move forward of backward or raise up without pulling on a rope that is torturing his genitals. His wrists are locked in cuffs that are captured in the rope harness that is splitting his balls. Finally, he is gagged with a huge, mouth filling, leather gag that is also locked on. John can barely move and the ropes around his tender bits just get tighter and tighter, as he tries desperately to find a moment of comfort.

This scene was done for the still photos, so the video has only a single angle and noisy audio, because the video camera was positioned next to a light with a cooling fan. I’m including a short edit from the video because it gives you a sense of John’s predicament.

Cruel Crotch Torture

I set up this scene on December 28 for some still images, but I set up 2 video cameras in addition to the still camera just in case I wanted to have different angles, and maybe a video clip. This wasn’t the first time I did this bondage. I had been experimenting with different predicaments on my bed a couple days before and I had thought this might make a good image. Not all bondage scenes make for good photos. I thought this one might, although I didn’t really have a good way to show how my wrists were cuffed and locked to the center line on my hip harness. That one detail is what made escape impossible. My harness was finished (tied) in front and my wrists were secured in back, such that I could not reach around. All of the other knots were way too far way to reach and my the locking buckle on my ankle strap was padlocked. Although it wasn’t necessary, my gag was also locked on.

It was not just impossible to escape this crazy crotch bondage torture; the opposing ropes would not allow me to rest my hips on the bed, so there was no place to rest or to prevent from tugging on my genitals, either from the front or the back. The video (free web-short) below gives you an idea of how torturous was this predicament. There is, at this time, no for sale clip from this scene. I was stuck there for most of 20 minutes, but it seemed longer. The struggle was real, and it really turned me on.

New Red Speedo Genital Torment clip

This clip has three scenes featuring John Marsh (me) in a super tight red Speedo bikini swimsuit. All of the scenes feature harsh, predicament bondage with genital harnesses and crotch splitting ropes. John is gagged in two scenes, and he suffers loudly in the other one. He is barefoot in all three scenes and his ankles are locked into a spreader bar in two, and ruthlessly forced apart in the third. He goes from being stretched out on the floor to being hiked up by the painful harness around his loins.

The struggle is real in these scenes. There is no place to rest and that tight Speedo suit is torturous, even without the crotch splitting rope that is tied over John’s balls. Of course it doesn’t help that he is also hanging on the torturous, genital crushing, rope harness.

Here is where you can purchase the full clip: Red Speedo CBT